The Swindon cigar, meticulously handcrafted in Nicaragua, offers a rich and complex smoking experience. Wrapped in an Equator Rosado Maduro leaf, it is bound with Estelí Nicaragua binder and filled with a premium blend from Jalapa, Ometepe, and Condega. This medium-strength cigar showcases the artistry of Nicaraguan tobacco, delivering a balanced yet dynamic profile.
From the initial draw, the Swindon reveals a captivating blend of dried herbs, spices, and a hint of honey, creating a delicate and inviting start. As the smoke evolves, notes of leather, noble wood, and spices emerge, weaving together to form a sophisticated and harmonious palette of flavours. The cigar becomes more intense and robust on the palate as it progresses, offering an increasingly rich and full-bodied experience.
In the final third, pepper notes take the lead, adding a bold and virile touch without overpowering the taste buds. This distinctive cigar is perfect for aficionados who appreciate a cigar with depth, complexity, and a smooth yet powerful finish. Available in both Robusto and Extra Robusto formats, the Swindon is an ideal choice for those seeking a refined and engaging smoking experience.