The Sovereign cigar, handcrafted in Nicaragua, embodies a refined smoking experience that stands out for its generosity and rich character. Wrapped in an Equator Maduro leaf and bound with Jalapa Nicaragua binder, this cigar features a blend of premium fillers from Estelí and Ometepe, resulting in a medium-strength smoke that is both complex and inviting.
From the first draw, the Sovereign delights with its smooth and creamy texture, revealing a richness that is immediately pleasing on the palate. The cigar’s resonant power delivers a round, chewy flavour profile, gradually unveiling nuanced aromas of nutmeg and cinnamon, complemented by subtle toasty notes. This intricate blend makes for a well-balanced and flavourful smoking experience.
The Sovereign is available in both Robusto and Extra Robusto formats, offering a versatile option for those seeking a robust and satisfying cigar. It is an ideal choice for connoisseurs who appreciate a cigar with depth, diversity, and a touch of elegance, making it perfect for moments of indulgence and relaxation.