The Kingdom cigar, handcrafted in Nicaragua, is an exceptional blend that commands attention from the very first glance. Featuring an Equator Maduro wrapper and a binder from Estelí, Nicaragua, it is filled with a carefully selected blend from Nicaragua’s Jalapa, Ometepe, and Condega regions. This combination results in a medium to full-bodied smoke that offers a robust and complex experience.
Visually impressive with its firm, muscular construction, the Kingdom cigar immediately captivates the senses. Upon lighting, it introduces a delightful sweetness with notes of milk coffee and chicory, accompanied by subtle hints of undergrowth and fragrant grass. These flavours evolve harmoniously, creating a sophisticated and well-rounded profile that suggests a rich and promising palate.
Available in two formats, Robusto and Extra Robusto, the Kingdom cigar is a true testament to craftsmanship and dedication. It is ideal for those seeking a deep, layered smoking experience that leaves a lasting impression. Perfect for moments of reflection and appreciation, this cigar embodies the art of blending and the passion behind its creation.