The Blue Ribbon cigar is a handcrafted masterpiece from Nicaragua, featuring a striking Equator Maduro wrapper. It is meticulously constructed with a rich binder from Condega, Nicaragua, and a blend of premium fillers from Seco Costa Rica, Condega, and Jalapa. This combination results in a medium-strength cigar that offers a sophisticated smoking experience.
From the first draw, this robusto-sized cigar greets the palate with complex, gourmet flavours. The initial puffs deliver a rich, smoky profile with notes of earth and a hint of animalistic character, balanced with subtle burnt touches. As the cigar progresses, the strength builds steadily, introducing an enticing array of spices and black pepper that gradually enrich the palate.
The transition into the second third of the cigar reveals a perfectly balanced relationship between aroma and power. This section becomes more indulgent, offering creamy, smooth whiffs accompanied by nuances of aged leather and a touch of roasted fruit. The final third confirms the elegance and harmonious nature of this cigar, providing a refined finish that lingers, inviting you to savour each moment in peaceful tranquillity.
The Blue Ribbon cigar is a testament to the art of cigar making, offering a sophisticated journey of flavours and aromas that are best enjoyed in a moment of quiet reflection.