The Perdomo 10th Anniversary Maduro Robusto is a celebratory cigar, commemorating a decade of Perdomo's excellence in crafting fine cigars. This cigar is part of the distinguished 10th Anniversary collection, renowned for its premium quality and extraordinary flavour profiles.
Encased in a sumptuous, dark Maduro leaf, the 10th Anniversary Maduro Robusto presents an arresting appearance. The Maduro wrapper is noted for its deep, chocolatey shades and oily surface, contributing to the cigar's full-bodied and robust flavour profile. This wrapper undergoes a comprehensive ageing process, enhancing its inherent sweetness and adding complexity to the smoke.
Internally, the cigar comprises a blend of Nicaraguan fillers and binders, cultivated on Perdomo's Nicaraguan estates. These tobaccos are celebrated for their depth and complexity, offering a range of flavours including espresso, dark chocolate, and a hint of spice. The Nicaraguan tobacco blend harmonises superbly with the Maduro wrapper, resulting in a rich and balanced smoking experience.
The Robusto size, typically about 5 inches long with a ring gauge of 50-54, is favoured by cigar enthusiasts for its balanced dimensions. It provides a satisfying smoking duration, allowing the smoker to fully appreciate the cigar's nuanced flavours.
In terms of flavour, the Perdomo 10th Anniversary Maduro Robusto is recognised for its medium to full-bodied smoke. It delivers a rich array of flavours, where the natural attributes of the Maduro wrapper meld seamlessly with the bold and intricate undertones of the Nicaraguan fillers. Smokers can anticipate a well-rounded experience with pronounced flavours, yet with a smooth and sophisticated finish.
Regarding construction, Perdomo's dedication to quality is apparent. The cigar is expertly crafted, ensuring an even burn and consistent draw. This attention to detail guarantees that each smoking experience is enjoyable and satisfying.
In summary, the Perdomo 10th Anniversary Maduro Robusto is lauded for its luxurious Maduro wrapper, its rich blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, and its deep and nuanced flavour profile. It stands as an outstanding choice for cigar aficionados who value a cigar that combines robust flavours with a refined smoking experience.