The Cigaragua Book, meticulously crafted and published by the renowned Amsterdam cigar shop Cigaragua, serves as an all-encompassing guide to the multifaceted world of Nicaraguan cigars, delving into the nuances of the prominent cigar companies within this celebrated region, exploring the complexities of soil types, climates, and regional characteristics that give rise to the distinct flavours and aromas, unraveling the intricate process of seed selection to final rolling through vivid photography and insightful narratives, encompassing cultural, historical, and socio-economic contexts that have shaped the Nicaraguan cigar industry, featuring exclusive interviews with master blenders, skilled rollers, and key industry figures, providing a detailed tasting guide that enriches the understanding and enjoyment of these cigars, and presented in an elegant hardcover edition that not only stands as a valuable resource for both seasoned aficionados and newcomers but also as a visually stunning addition to any library or collection, encapsulating the essence, tradition, and passion that define the Nicaraguan cigar experience.